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Sleep Meditations

Listen to any of these sleep meditations for free. My sleep meditations are designed to guide you into a deep and replenishing sleep. They also help listeners to heal, improve their well-being, perform personal development, experience amazing journeys, develop intuitive senses, manifest and much more.

Guided Meditations with Nicky Sutton
Heal Addictions Deep SLEEP Meditation ~ Release Old Patterns and Embrace Freedom ~ 8HRS

Heal Addictions Deep SLEEP Meditation ~ Release Old Patterns and Embrace Freedom ~ 8HRS

Heal Addictions Sleep Meditation, Release Old Patterns and Embrace Freedom. Welcome to this soothing sleep meditation, designed to guide you gently into healing and transforming the root causes of addiction. As you drift into a peaceful sleep, allow your subconscious mind to absorb nurturing and empowering messages that foster healing, balance, and freedom. While many forms of addiction present unique challenges, this meditation focuses on creating an environment of love, understanding, and growth without mentioning triggering terms. By listening regularly, try for 7 days, you can release old patterns and awaken to a life filled with freedom and renewal. Let this meditation support your journey toward lasting transformation. Lots of love, Nicky x Black screen, female voice. *Download my Sleep Time App!* Choose Your App Store HERE: All my sleep meditations, subliminals, sleep music, guided meditations and more, in one place, ad-free, interruption-free, fall asleep fast every night. • Buy The MP3 Download of This Meditation: • Support my work so I can provide more free content: • Order my new Hay House Book 'Consciousness Rising: Guiding You Through Awakening & Beyond': • Please consider using the YouTube 'Thanks' button under the video to support my work. I will try my utmost best to respond! Thank you ❤️ • Facebook Profile, let's be friends!: • Instagram: • TikTok: *Playlists* • Healing Energies: Playlist: • Manifesting: • Extrasensory & Divine Communication: • Wellness & Inner Work: • Journeys & Regressions: • Sleep Hypnosis: • Affirmations: *Important* Do not play this video while driving or doing anything else. This video and its contents are for entertainment purposes only, and must never be considered a substitute for advice from a qualified health care professional. If you suffer from any kind of mental health condition please seek advice from your health care professional as to the suitability of 'guided meditation' and 'hypnosis' for you before use. Thank you. Sleep Meditations: Keep your audio volume to a comfortable, somewhat quiet level. Otherwise, as with any loud sound, sleep could be disrupted. © Copyright Nicky Sutton #guidedmeditation #meditation
Raise your Vibration SUBLIMINAL Affirmations ★ Align Your Frequency with Positivity and Abundance

Raise your Vibration SUBLIMINAL Affirmations ★ Align Your Frequency with Positivity and Abundance

Transform your energy and raise your vibration with these powerful subliminal affirmations. By aligning your frequency with positivity and abundance, you'll naturally attract more joy, success, and prosperity into your life. Shift your mindset, elevate your vibration, and open yourself to unlimited possibilities. 🎧 Listen daily for the best results for 7 days. Positive affirmations to raise your vibration🌟 Manifest your dreams and step into a higher state of being. If you enjoy this video, please like, subscribe, and share your experience in the comments. Your support helps spread positive energy to others! Lots of love, Nicky x *Download my Sleep Time App!* Choose Your App Store HERE: All my sleep meditations, subliminals, sleep music, guided meditations and more, in one place, ad-free, interruption-free, fall asleep fast every night. • Buy The MP3 Download of This Meditation: • Support my work so I can provide more free content: • Order my new Hay House Book 'Consciousness Rising: Guiding You Through Awakening & Beyond': • Please consider using the YouTube 'Thanks' button under the video to support my work. I will try my utmost best to respond! Thank you ❤️ *Times* 00:00 Introduction to Raise Your Vibration Subliminals 01:34 Affirmations Read Aloud 09:18 Raise Your Vibration Subliminal Affirmations *Subliminal Affirmations in this video:* 1. I am tuned into the frequencies of love and abundance. 2. My energy vibrates at the highest frequency. 3. I raise my vibration with every positive thought I choose. 4. My vibration attracts love, success, and harmony into my life. 5. I release anything that lowers my vibration and embrace pure light. 6. The frequency of my thoughts is aligned with peace and gratitude. 7. I am connected to the highest vibration of the universe. 8. As I heal, my vibration rises and my light shines brighter. 9. My frequency is a magnet for success, love, and harmony. 10. My mind, body, and soul are in perfect vibrational harmony. 11. I consciously elevate my frequency through gratitude. 12. The frequency of abundance flows effortlessly to me. 13. I raise the vibration of the space around me by being my true self. 14. Being my authentic self raises my vibration. 15. I am a vessel for high-frequency energy that transforms my life. 16. With every breath, I raise my vibration and expand my potential. 17. My vibration resonates with opportunities for growth and success. 18. My thoughts are in tune with the vibration of love and positivity. 19. I radiate a high vibration that uplifts and inspires those around me. 20. My vibration attracts miracles and opens new doors of opportunity. 21. I raise my vibration by releasing anything unwanted or unneeded and trusting in the universe. 22. By focusing on what brings me joy, I raise my frequency instantly. 23. Compassion raises my vibration, healing myself and others. 24. My energy is aligned with the vibration of my highest vision, and I manifest from this wonderful place. 25. I attune myself to the frequency of abundance flowing toward me. 26. Every choice I make raises my vibration and brings me closer to my goals. 27. I am in harmony with the vibration of love, peace. 28. The vibration of my dreams perfectly aligns with my reality. 29. I release negativity and allow my vibration to rise effortlessly. 30. I tap into the vibration of universal wisdom and flow with it. 31. I am a beacon of high-vibrational energy, radiating light wherever I go. 32. Each positive thought raises my vibration and enhances my life. 33. My energy is in perfect resonance with success and fulfilment. 34. I amplify my frequency by staying present in the now. 35. I vibrate at a frequency that manifests my best life. The rest are here (I ran out of word limit): *Important* Do not play this video while driving or doing anything else. This video and its contents are for entertainment purposes only, and must never be considered a substitute for advice from a qualified health care professional. If you suffer from any kind of mental health condition please seek advice from your health care professional as to the suitability of 'guided meditation' and 'hypnosis' for you before use. Thank you. Sleep Meditations: Keep your audio volume to a comfortable, somewhat quiet level. Otherwise, as with any loud sound, sleep could be disrupted. © Copyright Nicky Sutton #subliminals #subliminal
Sleep Hypnosis: Become The GREATEST VERSION of Yourself ~ Accelerated Personal Growth & Manifesting

Sleep Hypnosis: Become The GREATEST VERSION of Yourself ~ Accelerated Personal Growth & Manifesting

Drift into a peaceful sleep with this relaxing sleep meditation designed to help you become the greatest version of yourself. As you sleep, align your intentions for accelerated personal growth, life transformation, and powerful manifesting. Let go of limiting beliefs and awaken your true potential. Embrace the journey to positive change while resting so deeply. For best results, listen as often as you like. Lots of love, Nicky x Black screen, female voice. *Download my Sleep Time App!* Choose Your App Store HERE: All my sleep meditations, subliminals, sleep music, guided meditations and more, in one place, ad-free, interruption-free, fall asleep fast every night. • Buy The MP3 Download of This Meditation: • Support my work so I can provide more free content: • Order my new Hay House Book 'Consciousness Rising: Guiding You Through Awakening & Beyond': • Please consider using the YouTube 'Thanks' button under the video to support my work. I will try my utmost best to respond! Thank you ❤️ • Facebook Profile, let's be friends!: • Instagram: • TikTok: *Playlists* • Healing Energies: Playlist: • Manifesting: • Extrasensory & Divine Communication: • Wellness & Inner Work: • Journeys & Regressions: • Sleep Hypnosis: • Affirmations: *Important* Do not play this video while driving or doing anything else. This video and its contents are for entertainment purposes only, and must never be considered a substitute for advice from a qualified health care professional. If you suffer from any kind of mental health condition please seek advice from your health care professional as to the suitability of 'guided meditation' and 'hypnosis' for you before use. Thank you. Sleep Meditations: Keep your audio volume to a comfortable, somewhat quiet level. Otherwise, as with any loud sound, sleep could be disrupted. © Copyright Nicky Sutton #sleepmeditation #sleephypnosis
VAGUS NERVE Healing & Reset Guided Meditation ~ INSTANT Parasympathetic Nervous System ACTIVATION

VAGUS NERVE Healing & Reset Guided Meditation ~ INSTANT Parasympathetic Nervous System ACTIVATION

Experience deep relaxation and healing with this guided meditation designed to reset and heal the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve plays a key role in reducing stress and improving overall health. Stimulating the vagus nerve can enhance relaxation, lower anxiety, improve digestion, regulate heart rate, and boost immune function. Healing the vagus nerve is linked to better emotional balance, deeper sleep, and a sense of calm. Allow your mind and body to restore and rejuvenate with this soothing practice. For best results, listen as often as you like. Lots of love, Nicky x *Download my Sleep Time App!* Choose Your App Store HERE: All my sleep meditations, subliminals, sleep music, guided meditations and more, in one place, ad-free, interruption-free, fall asleep fast every night. • Buy The MP3 Download of This Meditation: • Support my work so I can provide more free content: • Order my new Hay House Book 'Consciousness Rising: Guiding You Through Awakening & Beyond': • Please consider using the YouTube 'Thanks' button under the video to support my work. I will try my utmost best to respond! Thank you ❤️ • Facebook Profile, let's be friends!: • Instagram: • TikTok: *Playlists* • Healing Energies: Playlist: • Manifesting: • Extrasensory & Divine Communication: • Wellness & Inner Work: • Journeys & Regressions: • Sleep Hypnosis: • Affirmations: *Important* Do not play this video while driving or doing anything else. This video and its contents are for entertainment purposes only, and must never be considered a substitute for advice from a qualified health care professional. If you suffer from any kind of mental health condition please seek advice from your health care professional as to the suitability of 'guided meditation' and 'hypnosis' for you before use. Thank you. Sleep Meditations: Keep your audio volume to a comfortable, somewhat quiet level. Otherwise, as with any loud sound, sleep could be disrupted. © Copyright Nicky Sutton #guidedmeditation #vagusnerve
SUBLIMINAL Affirmations for NERVOUS SYSTEM Reset & Healing ★ Subconscious DEEP Healing Subliminal

SUBLIMINAL Affirmations for NERVOUS SYSTEM Reset & Healing ★ Subconscious DEEP Healing Subliminal

Experience deep healing with these subliminal affirmations designed to reset, calm and balance your nervous system. Allow the positive suggestions in these subliminals to work on a subconscious level, promoting relaxation and overall well-being. Listen daily to support your body’s natural healing process. Lots of love, Nicky x Black screen, female voice. *Download my Sleep Time App!* Choose Your App Store HERE: All my sleep meditations, subliminals, sleep music, guided meditations and more, in one place, ad-free, interruption-free, fall asleep fast every night. • Buy The MP3 Download of This Meditation: • Support my work so I can provide more free content: • Order my new Hay House Book 'Consciousness Rising: Guiding You Through Awakening & Beyond': • Please consider using the YouTube 'Thanks' button under the video to support my work. I will try my utmost best to respond! Thank you ❤️ *Subliminals* 1. I embrace tranquility, allowing my nerves to unwind and heal in peace. 2. My nervous system is bathed in healing energy, renewing with every breath. 3. I am in sync with the natural rhythm of life, and my body responds with grace and balance. 4. I am calm, centered, and in control of my mind and body. 5. My nervous system is healing and growing stronger every day. 6. My nervous system knows how to heal. 7. My nerves are calm, steady, and responsive to all that nourishes me. 8. Each cell in my body is infused with vitality, supporting my nervous system with strength and harmony. 9. As I release any fear and anxiety, I create space for my nervous system to flourish. 10. I am connected to the flow of universal energy, that revitalizes my nerves with ease. 11. I surrender to the present moment, where my nervous system finds rest and renewal. 12. I am grounded, rooted deeply in the earth, and my nervous system is stable and strong. 13. My spine is aligned and strong, supporting the healthy flow of energy throughout my body. 14. My body, mind and spirit are in perfect harmony. 15. Healing energy flows effortlessly through my body, soothing and restoring my nervous system. 16. My body is in perfect alignment, and my nerves communicate clearly and effectively. 17. I am filled with peace, and my nervous system responds with calm and clarity. 18. Every nerve in my body is transmitting messages effectively, ensuring harmony between my brain and organs. 19. I nourish my nervous system with love, care, and healthy habits. 20. Each breath I take brings peace and balance to my nervous system. 21. I honor the connection between my brain and my body, nurturing my nervous system for optimal function. 22. As I relax, my nervous system releases any tension, becoming more effective and resilient. 23. My spinal cord is a conduit of vitality, carrying life-enhancing signals to every part of me. 24. I trust in my body's ability to heal and regenerate nerve cells. 25. I am safe, protected, and my nervous system is adaptive. 26. I am calm like still waters, and my nervous system flows smoothly like a gentle stream. 27. I embrace self-care, knowing that every loving action I take supports my nervous system. 28. The nerves in my body support my heart, lungs, and digestive system, promoting overall health and balance. 29. I am a vessel of healing light, and this light helps support my nervous system. 30. I trust the ebb and flow of life; my nervous system adjusts with grace and ease. 31. I support my spinal health with every mindful movement, strengthening the foundation of my nervous system. 32. I breathe deeply and fully, flooding my nervous system with oxygen and vitality. 33. I am a channel for divine energy, which flows through me and brings balance to every nerve. 34. My thoughts are positive, and they send calming signals to my brain and nerves. I ran out of word limit, the rest are here: *Times* 00:00 Introduction to Nervous System Subliminals 01:42 Affirmations Read Aloud 10:20 Nervous System Healing Subliminal Affirmations *Important* Do not play this video while driving or doing anything else. This video and its contents are for entertainment purposes only, and must never be considered a substitute for advice from a qualified health care professional. If you suffer from any kind of mental health condition please seek advice from your health care professional as to the suitability of 'guided meditation' and 'hypnosis' for you before use. Thank you. Sleep Meditations: Keep your audio volume to a comfortable, somewhat quiet level. Otherwise, as with any loud sound, sleep could be disrupted. © Copyright Nicky Sutton #subliminals #nervousystem #subliminal
Vagus Nerve Reset SLEEP Hypnosis ★ 8hrs ★ DEEP Parasympathetic Nervous System Healing

Vagus Nerve Reset SLEEP Hypnosis ★ 8hrs ★ DEEP Parasympathetic Nervous System Healing

Vagus Nerve Reset Sleep Hypnosis for deep parasympathetic nervous system healing. Discover its healing power. The vagus nerve is key to activating the parasympathetic system, helping to lower heart rate, reduce stress hormones like cortisol, ease inflammation, improve digestion, and promote deep relaxation. By consciously relaxing and meditating, you naturally boost parasympathetic activity, which in turn stimulates the vagus nerve. Over time, this practice enhances vagal function and supports overall well-being. Let this sleep hypnosis guide you into a restful state of healing. For best results, listen as often as you like. Lots of love, Nicky x Black screen, female voice. *Download my Sleep Time App!* Choose Your App Store HERE: All my sleep meditations, subliminals, sleep music, guided meditations and more, in one place, ad-free, interruption-free, fall asleep fast every night. • Buy The MP3 Download of This Meditation: • Support my work so I can provide more free content: • Order my new Hay House Book 'Consciousness Rising: Guiding You Through Awakening & Beyond': • Please consider using the YouTube 'Thanks' button under the video to support my work. I will try my utmost best to respond! Thank you ❤️ • Facebook Profile, let's be friends!: • Instagram: • TikTok: *Playlists* • Healing Energies: Playlist: • Manifesting: • Extrasensory & Divine Communication: • Wellness & Inner Work: • Journeys & Regressions: • Sleep Hypnosis: • Affirmations: *Important* Do not play this video while driving or doing anything else. This video and its contents are for entertainment purposes only, and must never be considered a substitute for advice from a qualified health care professional. If you suffer from any kind of mental health condition please seek advice from your health care professional as to the suitability of 'guided meditation' and 'hypnosis' for you before use. Thank you. Sleep Meditations: Keep your audio volume to a comfortable, somewhat quiet level. Otherwise, as with any loud sound, sleep could be disrupted. © Copyright Nicky Sutton #vagusnerve #sleepmeditation #sleephypnosis
Journey to DIVINE REALMS Guided Meditation ★ Communicate with Your Guides & Receive Healing.

Journey to DIVINE REALMS Guided Meditation ★ Communicate with Your Guides & Receive Healing.

Journey to Divine Realms Guided Meditation. Welcome to this peaceful divine journey. You’re invited to embark on a voyage beyond the physical world and into the boundless, loving embrace of the astral realms. Commune with divine beings, loved ones or your guides, and receive wisdom, guidance and healing. For best results, listen as often as you like. Lots of love, Nicky x *Download my Sleep Time App!* Choose Your App Store HERE: All my sleep meditations, subliminals, sleep music, guided meditations and more, in one place, ad-free, interruption-free, fall asleep fast every night. • Buy The MP3 Download of This Meditation: • Support my work so I can provide more free content: • Order my new Hay House Book 'Consciousness Rising: Guiding You Through Awakening & Beyond': • Please consider using the YouTube 'Thanks' button under the video to support my work. I will try my utmost best to respond! Thank you ❤️ • Facebook Profile, let's be friends!: • Instagram: • TikTok: *Playlists* • Healing Energies: Playlist: • Manifesting: • Extrasensory & Divine Communication: • Wellness & Inner Work: • Journeys & Regressions: • Sleep Hypnosis: • Affirmations: *Important* Do not play this video while driving or doing anything else. This video and its contents are for entertainment purposes only, and must never be considered a substitute for advice from a qualified health care professional. If you suffer from any kind of mental health condition please seek advice from your health care professional as to the suitability of 'guided meditation' and 'hypnosis' for you before use. Thank you. Sleep Meditations: Keep your audio volume to a comfortable, somewhat quiet level. Otherwise, as with any loud sound, sleep could be disrupted. © Copyright Nicky Sutton #guidedmeditation #divineguidance
Subliminals for CONFIDENCE in SOCIAL Situations ★ Unlock Your Charisma ★ Feel  Relaxed.

Subliminals for CONFIDENCE in SOCIAL Situations ★ Unlock Your Charisma ★ Feel Relaxed.

Subliminal affirmations for confidence in social situations. Unlock your charisma and enhance your social confidence. Feel totally relaxed and effortlessly comfortable interacting with others - feeling socially confident. For best results, listen as often as you like. Lots of love, Nicky x Black screen, female voice. *Download my Sleep Time App!* Choose Your App Store HERE: All my sleep meditations, subliminals, sleep music, guided meditations and more, in one place, ad-free, interruption-free, fall asleep fast every night. • Buy The MP3 Download of This Meditation: • Support my work so I can provide more free content: *Times* 00:00 Introduction to Confidence in Social Situations Subliminals 01:42 Affirmations Read Aloud 08:55 Social Confidence Subliminal Affirmations *Subliminals* 1. I am confident in social situations, and my presence is valued. 2. I enjoy meeting new people and embracing new experiences. 3. I speak clearly and confidently, knowing my voice matters. 4. I trust myself to handle any social situation with grace and ease. 5. I radiate positive energy that draws people to me. 6. I am comfortable being myself in any social setting. 7. I am worthy of meaningful connections and friendships. 8. I trust that others will accept me as I am and allow my true self to shine. 9. I am open to learning from every social interaction. 10. I enjoy listening to others and sharing my thoughts confidently. 11. I care for myself by taking deep breaths and staying grounded in social situations. 12. I am mindful of my body language yet I’m relaxed, standing tall and confident. 13. I prepare for social events by practicing self-care and positive thinking. 14. I embrace any discomfort as a sign of my growth in my social confidence journey. 15. I celebrate my progress in becoming more socially confident every day. 16. I am patient with myself as I build my social confidence. 17. I enjoy stepping out of my comfort zone and exploring new social circles. 18. I let go of any unhelpful past experiences and focus on the present moment. 19. I connect with others easily and enjoy making new friends. 20. I am resilient and can handle any social challenge that comes my way. 21. I am grateful for the opportunity to connect with others and share my uniqueness. 22. I set healthy boundaries and respect my own needs in social situations. 23. I trust that I am always in the right place at the right time. 24. I bring a sense of calm and peace into every social interaction. 25. I nurture my energy by resting and recharging after social events. 26. I am open to giving and receiving compliments with grace. 27. I focus on the positive aspects of social interactions and release any negativity. 28. I am proud of myself for making an effort to connect with others. 29. I engage in conversations with curiosity and genuine interest. 30. I recognize and appreciate my own unique strengths in social situations. 31. I create a positive impact on others simply by being myself. 32. I practice self-compassion and forgive myself for any social missteps. 33. I am confident in expressing my opinions and ideas in social settings. 34. I believe in myself. 35. I enjoy the process of becoming more socially confident every day. 36. I am empowered to start conversations and connect with others. 37. I trust in my ability to adapt to different social environments. 38. I am proud of myself for showing up and participating in social events. 39. I honor my need for alone time to recharge before and after socializing. 40. I am worthy of all the positive connections and relationships that I attract. • Order my new Hay House Book 'Consciousness Rising: Guiding You Through Awakening & Beyond': *Important* Do not play this video while driving or doing anything else. This video and its contents are for entertainment purposes only, and must never be considered a substitute for advice from a qualified health care professional. If you suffer from any kind of mental health condition please seek advice from your health care professional as to the suitability of 'guided meditation' and 'hypnosis' for you before use. Thank you. Sleep Meditations: Keep your audio volume to a comfortable, somewhat quiet level. Otherwise, as with any loud sound, sleep could be disrupted. © Copyright Nicky Sutton #subliminals #subliminal #subliminalaffirmations
Journey to Divine Astral Realms While You Sleep ★ 8 hrs ★ SLEEP Hypnosis to Visit Divine Beings

Journey to Divine Astral Realms While You Sleep ★ 8 hrs ★ SLEEP Hypnosis to Visit Divine Beings

Journey to Divine Realms While You Sleep. Sleep meditation to visit astral realms and commune with divine beings, loved ones or your guides, and receive wisdom, guidance and healing. As you drift into deep sleep, your consciousness will gently rise (to return safely later), guided by the light of divine beings, beloved souls, who are always by your side. In these sacred realms, you’ll connect with infinite wisdom and healing energy, receiving the profound insights, guidance, and the unconditional love that you deserve. For best results, listen as often as you like. Lots of love, Nicky x Black screen, female voice. *Download my Sleep Time App!* Choose Your App Store HERE: All my sleep meditations, subliminals, sleep music, guided meditations and more, in one place, ad-free, interruption-free, fall asleep fast every night. • Buy The MP3 Download of This Meditation: • Support my work so I can provide more free content: • Order my new Hay House Book 'Consciousness Rising: Guiding You Through Awakening & Beyond': • Please consider using the YouTube 'Thanks' button under the video to support my work. I will try my utmost best to respond! Thank you ❤️ • Facebook Profile, let's be friends!: • Instagram: • TikTok: *Playlists* • Healing Energies: Playlist: • Manifesting: • Extrasensory & Divine Communication: • Wellness & Inner Work: • Journeys & Regressions: • Sleep Hypnosis: • Affirmations: *Important* Do not play this video while driving or doing anything else. This video and its contents are for entertainment purposes only, and must never be considered a substitute for advice from a qualified health care professional. If you suffer from any kind of mental health condition please seek advice from your health care professional as to the suitability of 'guided meditation' and 'hypnosis' for you before use. Thank you. Sleep Meditations: Keep your audio volume to a comfortable, somewhat quiet level. Otherwise, as with any loud sound, sleep could be disrupted. © Copyright Nicky Sutton #sleepmeditation #sleephypnosis #divineguidance
Subliminal Affirmations: Manifest MIRACLES ~ Subliminals to REPROGRAM Your Mind Anything is Possible

Subliminal Affirmations: Manifest MIRACLES ~ Subliminals to REPROGRAM Your Mind Anything is Possible

Subliminal affirmations to manifest miracles. Bring your goals, dreams and desires into your reality NOW using The Law of Attraction. Everything positive is possible. For best results, listen to this subliminal as often as you like. Lots of love, Nicky x Black screen, female voice. *Download my Sleep Time App!* Choose Your App Store HERE: All my sleep meditations, subliminals, sleep music, guided meditations and more, in one place, ad-free, interruption-free, fall asleep fast every night. • Buy The MP3 Download of This Meditation: • Order my new Hay House Book 'Consciousness Rising: Guiding You Through Awakening & Beyond': Thank you ❤️ *Times* 00:00 Introduction to Manifest Miracles Subliminals 01:35 Affirmations Read Aloud 08:21 Manifest Miracles Subliminal Affirmations *Subliminals* 1. I am worthy of miracles and they flow effortlessly into my life. 2. I believe in my ability to manifest my dreams and desires. 3. I am constantly manifesting miracles through my divine connection with the universe. 4. Every day, in every way, I become more and more successful. 5. I am open and ready to receive, knowing I am capable of manifesting miracles. 6. I am a powerful creator; I create the life I desire with ease. 7. I trust in my ability to manifest miracles, knowing I’m deserving of all good things. 8. Miracles are a natural part of my everyday life. 9. I trust that everything I need comes to me at the perfect time. 10. My goals are manifesting before my eyes. 11. My heart is filled with gratitude as I see myself manifesting miracles daily. 12. I am open to receiving limitless abundance. 13. I am worthy of manifesting miracles in every area of my life every day. 14. I attract positive opportunities and experiences. 15. I am grateful for the miracles that are on their way to me now. 16. I deserve to live a life filled with love, joy, and success. 17. My goals and dreams manifest quickly and easily. 18. I am aligned with the energy of abundance. 19. The universe supports me in every possible way. 20. I am a magnet for miracles. 21. I trust the universe and know everything is unfolding for my highest good. 22. I am deserving of all the wonderful things life has to offer. 23. I am constantly attracting the resources I need to achieve my goals. 24. I am an excellent manifester. 25. I believe in the power of positive thinking and it works for me. 26. My life is a reflection of my thoughts and I am the master of my mind. 27. I am open to receiving unexpected blessings. 28. Manifesting miracles comes naturally to me as I embrace my inner power and worth. 29. I am always in the right place at the right time. 30. Divine abundance is my birthright, and I am manifesting miracles with ease and joy. 31. My actions create constant prosperity. 32. I am confident in my ability to create the life I desire. 33. Abundance flows to me as I am manifesting miracles in every aspect of my life. 34. Every experience I have is bringing me closer to my goals. 35. I am surrounded by love and positive energy. 36. Self-love empowers me to manifest miracles effortlessly, knowing that I am deserving of them. 37. I manifest miracles to help others too. 38. By believing in myself, I am manifesting miracles beyond my wildest dreams. 39. I believe in my ability to succeed. 40. Miracles happen to me every single day. *Important* Do not play this video while driving or doing anything else. This video and its contents are for entertainment purposes only, and must never be considered a substitute for advice from a qualified health care professional. If you suffer from any kind of mental health condition please seek advice from your health care professional as to the suitability of 'guided meditation' and 'hypnosis' for you before use. Thank you. Sleep Meditations: Keep your audio volume to a comfortable, somewhat quiet level. Otherwise, as with any loud sound, sleep could be disrupted. © Copyright Nicky Sutton #subliminals #subliminal
The LAW of ATTRACTION is Working for Me! Guided Meditation. Make The LOA Work for You NOW

The LAW of ATTRACTION is Working for Me! Guided Meditation. Make The LOA Work for You NOW

Guided Meditation: The LAW OF ATTRACTION works for Me! Welcome to this powerful guided meditation to harness the power of the Law of Attraction so that you can manifest your best life every single day. Use the law of attraction to manifest like a pro. I’ll guide you in aligning your thoughts and intentions with the abundant and joyful life you deserve. For best results, listen as often as you like. Lots of love, Nicky x • Buy The MP3 Download of This Meditation: *Download my Sleep Time App!* Choose Your App Store HERE: All my sleep meditations, subliminals, sleep music, guided meditations and more, in one place, ad-free, interruption-free, fall asleep fast every night. • Support my work so I can provide more free content: • Order my new Hay House Book 'Consciousness Rising: Guiding You Through Awakening & Beyond': • Please consider using the YouTube 'Thanks' button under the video to support my work. I will try my utmost best to respond! Thank you ❤️ • Facebook Profile, let's be friends!: • Instagram: • TikTok: *Playlists* • Healing Energies: Playlist: • Manifesting: • Extrasensory & Divine Communication: • Wellness & Inner Work: • Journeys & Regressions: • Sleep Hypnosis: • Affirmations: *Important* Do not play this video while driving or doing anything else. This video and its contents are for entertainment purposes only, and must never be considered a substitute for advice from a qualified health care professional. If you suffer from any kind of mental health condition please seek advice from your health care professional as to the suitability of 'guided meditation' and 'hypnosis' for you before use. Thank you. Sleep Meditations: Keep your audio volume to a comfortable, somewhat quiet level. Otherwise, as with any loud sound, sleep could be disrupted. © Copyright Nicky Sutton #guidedmeditation #lawofattraction #manifestation
The Law of Attraction is Working for Me! SLEEP Hypnosis ~ Harness The Law of Attraction NOW

The Law of Attraction is Working for Me! SLEEP Hypnosis ~ Harness The Law of Attraction NOW

The LAW OF ATTRACTION works for Me! Welcome to this deeply relaxing SLEEP meditation hypnosis, to harness the power of the Law of Attraction effortlessly while you sleep. Use the law of attraction more effectively and manifest like a pro. As you drift off to sleep, I’ll guide you in aligning your thoughts and intentions with the abundant and joyful life you desire. For best results, listen as often as you like. Lots of love, Nicky x Black screen, female voice. *Download my Sleep Time App!* Choose Your App Store HERE: All my sleep meditations, subliminals, sleep music, guided meditations and more, in one place, ad-free, interruption-free, fall asleep fast every night. • Buy The MP3 Download of This Meditation: • Support my work so I can provide more free content: • Order my new Hay House Book 'Consciousness Rising: Guiding You Through Awakening & Beyond': • Please consider using the YouTube 'Thanks' button under the video to support my work. I will try my utmost best to respond! Thank you ❤️ • Facebook Profile, let's be friends!: • Instagram: • TikTok: *Playlists* • Healing Energies: Playlist: • Manifesting: • Extrasensory & Divine Communication: • Wellness & Inner Work: • Journeys & Regressions: • Sleep Hypnosis: • Affirmations: *Important* Do not play this video while driving or doing anything else. This video and its contents are for entertainment purposes only, and must never be considered a substitute for advice from a qualified health care professional. If you suffer from any kind of mental health condition please seek advice from your health care professional as to the suitability of 'guided meditation' and 'hypnosis' for you before use. Thank you. Sleep Meditations: Keep your audio volume to a comfortable, somewhat quiet level. Otherwise, as with any loud sound, sleep could be disrupted. © Copyright Nicky Sutton #sleepmeditation #sleephypnosis #lawofattraction
Subliminal Affirmations for CHAKRA Activation ~ Subliminals to Balance & Unblock your Chakras ~ 8hrs

Subliminal Affirmations for CHAKRA Activation ~ Subliminals to Balance & Unblock your Chakras ~ 8hrs

Subliminal affirmations to activate, cleanse and clear your chakras. Your 7 main energy centres represent the totality of your energetic balance. If one or more chakras are blocked or dimmed in terms of energy flow, then this can manifest as emotional, physical or spiritual unwellness. There are many ways to activate, unblock and clear your chakras and using subliminals is one way. Your subconscious mind listens and makes it so. Listen while awake or sleeping. For best results, listen as often as you like. Lots of love, Nicky x Black screen, female voice. *Download my Sleep Time App!* Choose Your App Store HERE: All my sleep meditations, subliminals, sleep music, guided meditations and more, in one place, ad-free, interruption-free, fall asleep fast every night. • Buy The MP3 Download of This Meditation: • Support my work so I can provide more free content: • Order my new Hay House Book 'Consciousness Rising: Guiding You Through Awakening & Beyond': • Please consider using the YouTube 'Thanks' button under the video to support my work. I will try my utmost best to respond! Thank you ❤️ *Times* 00:00 Introduction to Activate Your Chakras Subliminals 01:56 Affirmations Read Aloud 09:13 Activate Your Chakras Subliminal Affirmations *Subliminals:* 1. My chakras are aligning in perfect balance and harmony. 2. Energy flows freely through my chakras, cleansing and activating them. 3. I release all blockages and allow my energy to flow freely. 4. My mind, body, and spirit are in perfect balance. 5. Each of my chakras are activating, and radiating light in vibrant colours. 6. My energy centers are aligned and harmonious. 7. My Root Chakra is cleansing and clearing, providing stability and strength. 8. My Root Chakra is activating perfectly, grounding me in the Earth's energies. 9. I am grounded, safe, and secure. 10. My physical body is healthy, thriving and strong. 11. My Sacral Chakra flows with creativity and passion. 12. I embrace my emotions and welcome them with love and healing. 13. I am open to experiencing the present moment with joy. 14. I am getting to know my true self. 15. My Sacral Chakra is vibrant, radiant and balanced. 16. My Solar Plexus Chakra is activating, radiating vibrant yellows. 17. I am confident, powerful, and strong. 18. I honor the power within me and trust my decisions. 19. My Solar Plexus Chakra empowers my inner strength and confidence 20. My Heart Chakra is open, allowing love and compassion to flow freely. 21. My Heart Chakra energy is radiant in beautiful greens, and I embrace unconditional love and forgiveness. 22. I am open to love and kindness. 23. I forgive myself and others, and I am filled with compassion. 24. My Heart Chakra radiates love and harmony throughout my being. 25. My Throat Chakra energies are balanced, empowering my authentic voice. 26. My Throat Chakra helps me to express my truth clearly and confidently. 27. My voice is strong, clear, and my words are important. 28. My Throat Chakra channels clear, honest communication. 29. My Third Eye Chakra is clear and free-flowing, enhancing my intuition and insight. 30. My Third Eye Chakra is activating, accessing my inner wisdom and guidance. 31. I channel the highest divine energies. 32. I see clearly and perceive beyond the physical. 33. My Third Eye Chakra illuminates my path with clarity. 34. My Crown Chakra is open, connecting me to higher consciousness. 35. I am connected to the divine and I’m open to higher consciousness. 36. I am one with the universe and at peace with myself. 37. My Crown Chakra is my gateway to spiritual connection and enlightenment. 38. As my Crown Chakra balances, it brings the totality of all my chakras into perfect alignment. 39. I release all blockages, allowing my energy to flow freely and effortlessly. 40. My entire being is cleansed and revitalized with healing energy. 41. I am in perfect energetic balance, and my chakras are vibrant and healthy. 42. I trust in the natural flow of my energies and embrace my healing power. *Important* Do not play this video while driving or doing anything else. This video and its contents are for entertainment purposes only, and must never be considered a substitute for advice from a qualified health care professional. If you suffer from any kind of mental health condition please seek advice from your health care professional as to the suitability of 'guided meditation' and 'hypnosis' for you before use. Thank you. Sleep Meditations: Keep your audio volume to a comfortable, somewhat quiet level. Otherwise, as with any loud sound, sleep could be disrupted. © Copyright Nicky Sutton #subliminals #chakras
Wake Up Full Of Energy SLEEP MEDITATION ~ 8 hrs ~ Feel Full of Motivation & Enthusiasm for The Day

Wake Up Full Of Energy SLEEP MEDITATION ~ 8 hrs ~ Feel Full of Motivation & Enthusiasm for The Day

Wake up full of energy sleep meditation hypnosis. Receive super positive subconscious messages; REPROGRAM your mind, to wake up in the morning full of energy. You are what you believe and if you subconsciously believe you'll be full of energy for the day then you will be! Fall asleep fast as you fully relax to soothing music and the sound of my voice guiding you gently into a deep and restorative sleep. You'll be ready to wake up bursting with energy in the morning. For best results, listen as often as you like. Lots of love, Nicky x *Download my Sleep Time App!* Choose Your App Store HERE: All my sleep meditations, subliminals, sleep music, guided meditations and more, in one place, ad-free, interruption-free, fall asleep fast every night. • Buy The MP3 Download of This Meditation: • Support my work so I can provide more free content: • Order my new Hay House Book 'Consciousness Rising: Guiding You Through Awakening & Beyond': • Please consider using the YouTube 'Thanks' button under the video to support my work. I will try my utmost best to respond! Thank you ❤️ • Facebook Profile, let's be friends!: • Instagram: • TikTok: *Playlists* • Healing Energies: Playlist: • Manifesting: • Extrasensory & Divine Communication: • Wellness & Inner Work: • Journeys & Regressions: • Sleep Hypnosis: • Affirmations: *Important* Do not play this video while driving or doing anything else. This video and its contents are for entertainment purposes only, and must never be considered a substitute for advice from a qualified health care professional. If you suffer from any kind of mental health condition please seek advice from your health care professional as to the suitability of 'guided meditation' and 'hypnosis' for you before use. Thank you. Sleep Meditations: Keep your audio volume to a comfortable, somewhat quiet level. Otherwise, as with any loud sound, sleep could be disrupted. © Copyright Nicky Sutton #sleepmeditation #sleephypnosis
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