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Self-Love Affirmations List

Self-Love Affirmations List

The following self-love affirmations are designed to increase your self-love by repeating them daily. Our subconscious mind is full of pre-programmed beliefs, many of which prevent us from having self-love, even leading us to actively dislike ourselves. The subconscious mind can be retrained and reprogrammed to accept positive beliefs, ones we desire to have and that infinitely improve our lives. Many of the affirmations below are concepts that lead to self-love. We can work on these thoughts too because all are pathways to improving our perceptions and feelings about ourselves. In having self-love, we can live in joy, peace and confidence; manifesting all the best. Repeating affirmations is best done when you are feeling very relaxed because the subconscious mind is most accepting in this state. You can repeat affirmations to yourself out loud or within your mind. But it's most effective when we speak them out loud. To perform affirmations you can either: - Read the entire list to yourself 3 times per day, once in the morning, once at midday and once in the evening.

- Pick three to use in a day. Repeat the first one 10 times in the morning, the second 10 times at midday, and the third 10 times in the evening. Pick another three the next day. - Pick one and repeat it to yourself ten times in the morning, then midday, and then in the evening. Pick another the next day and so on. - Or use them in a way that works most effectively for you. Pause for about 5 seconds between each affirmation. You can perform self-love affirmations for as many days or weeks as you wish until you sense a difference in how you feel about yourself. Affirmations are best used in conjunction with Inner Work in order to tackle any underlying upset or hurt from the past which may be repressed and unresolved within the subconscious mind. I'll get to that at the end. So first of all, I've listed self-love affirmations that get straight to the point. The next set is useful in gaining a more rounded basis for self-love. Self-Love Affirmations List Purely Self-Love I love myself fully. I have self-love. Self-love is part of me. I love myself and everything about me. I love myself for who I am. Self-love is part of my life. I love the person that I am. I forgive and love myself. Self-love is easy. I love everything about me. Self-love is growing within me. Concepts Leading To Self Love I accept myself unconditionally. I accept everything about myself. I approve of myself. I am free to express myself. I am worthy. I am worthy of love. I am love. I am worthy of joy. I have many wonderful qualities. I am a unique wonderful being. I am grateful for all that I have. I am grateful to be me. I deserve happiness. I deserve to be loved. I accept all aspects of myself. I am open to healing. I am open to positivity. I embrace all my qualities. I can be optimistic about the future. I have unlimited potential. I feel peaceful being me. I am unique and special. I take responsibility for who I am. I promise to care for myself. I am worthy of self-care. My well-being is important. I am a wonderful person. My qualities shine through. My needs are important. I am proud to be me. I care for myself. I love my body and all it's capable of. I am more than enough. I am proud of myself. I respect my wants and needs. I respect the boundaries that I set. I accept myself unconditionally. I am a radiant being. My energy is strong. I respect myself. I radiate confidence. I am whole. I honor my wishes. I step into my personal power. I accept my feelings. I am at peace with my appearance. I overcome challenges easily. I take care of myself. I am infinite love. I hope you enjoy using these affirmations and that they help you to feel more love for yourself from now on. ​Here is a good book on this topic which can help in addition to the affirmations: The Self-Love Experiment: Fifteen Principles for Becoming More Kind, Compassionate, and Accepting of Yourself

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